对于任何新建实验室,尤其是一些需要高纯气体系统来作微量分析的敏感性仪器来说,配气系统是一个十分重要的部分。 这个系统**有安生的适用性。实验室人员使用一些易燃危险时,***参照安全标准。然而如果设计及基础安装工作没有考虑周详的话,就会影响到精密仪器以及高纯气体供应的精度。 Gas delivery system is a very important part of any laboratory set-up especially the need of high purity gas system is compulsory for today highly improved sensitive equipment that go for traces analysis. The system must be safe to use and no compromise to negotiate in term of safety standards for laboratory personnel with regard to those highly flammable, and hazardous gasses. The advantage of having sophisticated equipment and purest gas supplies will be affected if the design and basic installation perform inappropriately.