VAV通风控制系统的目标: Our Variable Air Volume (VAV) control safely achieve require hood flows, increase efficiency with minimum electrical consumption. 操作环境的安全规范 确保通风柜达到标准的面风速,防止有害气体溢出,危害实验室工作人员。**负压、控制正确的气流方向,避免实验室的交叉污染。杜绝有害枯实验室内长期滞留。 Control safe working environment - ensure fume hood achieve require face velocity at any sash opening position, prevent cross contamination, air turbulence, protect user from unwanted gasses emission from fume hood. 舒适经济的工作环境 实验室送风为全新风,**实验室室内满足一定的换气次数,为使用者提供舒适的环境。通过VAV控制系统,确保更加合理的实验室帝排风的风量,大大优化也通风系统,减少重复投资。较大限度的减少日常运行费用,节约能源。 With proper room design respect to fume hood exhaust volume, ensure negative pressure control regime, maintain proper laboratory air-change, reduce unnecessary massive upfront capital investment, trouble free solution reduce maintenance cost on laboratory fume hood.